ACM Collective Intelligence 2025 brings together a wide range of disciplines to discuss the shared or group intelligence that emerges when individuals work together, often with the help of technology. This year’s theme focuses on Diverse Intelligences. We invite research and perspectives on how we can deeply understand and build systems that incorporate animal, human, machine and hybrid intelligences to achieve a level of problem-solving capability that surpasses the abilities of any single member.
Rarely do researchers have this opportunity to interact with such a broad range of disciplines—cognitive science, philosophy, biology, computer science, anthropology, organizational science, network science, sociology, economics, business, and many others. Join us to advance our collective understanding of how to harness our collective abilities.
ACM CI 2025 extends a special invitation to researchers in the human computation and crowdsourcing (HCOMP) community who will not hold a conference due to sponsorship changes. To accommodate our multifarious community, we have included an archival papers track and CrowdCamp. The program and papers committees are representative of our diverse communities. Attend CI 2025 to discuss our collective future during the town hall sessions.
Additional topics of interest include:
Adaptive dynamic systems • Artificial intelligence • Biological systems • Citizen engagement • Collective decision-making • Collaborative problem-solving • Computational models • Communication and information technologies • Computer science • Creativity • Crowdfunding • Crowdsourcing • Data science • Emergence of intelligence • Evolutionary intelligence • Ethics and values • Extended cognition • Group memory • Human computation • Incentive mechanisms • Innovation • Knowledge creation • Multi-agent technology • Nudge techniques • Open source intelligence • Organizational design • Participatory decision-making • Prediction markets • Social computing • Societal norms • Strategy formation • Super forecasting • Natural swarm Intelligence • Team structures • Wisdom of crowds • Voting design